Liberty Research Group h.263 Parallelization Video Demonstration
The following videos demonstrate how our parallelization technology can improve user experience. We present two videos per application. The first video shows the performance of the original sequential program. The second demonstrates the performance of the same program with the parallelization technology applied. All the videos were made on a commodity 8-core system. For best effect, start the sequential videos first, then the parallel one, and and watch them "race."
The video shows a user encoding raw footage into the h.263 format. The user then watches the video. Encoding video is frequently an intermediate step to transferring the video to a mobile device, like a cell phone, or before uploading to the web to share with friends.
Sequential execution h.263 Demo
Click here to download the video.
Parallel execution h.263 Demo
Click here to download the video.
The difference in speed between the sequential and the parallel versions is remarkable. The parallelized version is able to finish encoding and then watch the encoded video before the sequential version finishes the encoding.